Psoriatic Arthritis Prognosis | Mild Psoriatic Arthritis Prognosis!

Psoriatic Arthritis Prognosis.

Psoriatic arthritis is an arthritic condition that also affects the skin. Psoriasis of the skin may first develop followed by psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriatic Arthritis Prognosis
Psoriatic Arthritis Prognosis

One in 20 people with psoriasis eventually develop psoriatic arthritis. The prognosis of psoriatic arthritis is not curable according to some health institutes, but it is treatable.


Psoriasis and arthritis are autoimmune disorders in which healthy tissue is attacked by the immune system. Psoriasis is an overproduction of skin cells that results in patches of thick scales on the skin. Arthritis causes inflammation of the joints. Family history of the disease increases the risk.

Symptom | Psoriatic Arthritis Prognosis.

Symptoms that can be expected from psoriatic arthritis include swollen and painful joints and areas that feel warm to the touch.

Psoriatic arthritis affects the area of ​​the spine that includes the symptoms of localized pain, burning, and stiffness in the lower back. The prognosis of the disease is chronic, meaning that it is a long-term disease.


There are several types of psoriatic arthritis, include the asymmetric that affects the joints on one side of the body.

This form usually affects five or fewer joints. Symmetric affects the joints on both sides of the body, it is more severe affects women than men. Spondylitis is a form of psoriatic arthritis that causes inflammation in the spine and neck.


The prognosis of psoriatic arthritis is usually mild and can be treated successfully. There is no cure for psoriatic arthritis, so the goal of treatment is to control inflammation and reduce painful symptoms.

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin can reduce inflammation. Corticosteroid injections into the affected area provide immediate relief to painful joints.

Injections are a short-term treatment due to serious side effects. Anti-rheumatic drugs limit joint damage and reduce pain and inflammation. This is a slow-acting treatment so relief can not be felt for several weeks.

As immunosuppressive drugs suppress the immune system, it prevents attacks on healthy tissue of the joints. These drugs are only used in severe cases, due to the possibility of damage to the liver and kidneys.

Home Treatment.

Reduce your weight if you are overweight, because excess weight can put pressure on already damaged joints. Applying cold compresses reduces inflammation and heat relaxes stiff joints. Exercise strengthens the muscles that surround the common areas of pain.

Adding omega-3 fatty acids like salmon and walnuts to your diet can help reduce inflammation of the joints.

If you really want to end psoriasis I advise you to read my honest opinion of the Psoraisis Revolution Guide, which helped me and changed my life.!

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psoriatic arthritis prognosis


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