How to Make a Psoriasis Cream?

How to Make a Psoriasis Cream.

A cream for psoriasis is usually made up of synthetic ingredients, which can cause skin irritation, and can even lead to more serious side effects. However, it is possible to make your own psoriasis cream from natural oils that penetrate and heal without the use of harmful ingredients.

Use this simple method to make your own homemade cream for psoriasis.

Psoriasis Cream
Psoriasis Cream

How to Make a Psoriasis Cream - Instructions.

1- Melt two tablespoons of shea butter in a glass container, if possible, with a low temperature. Heat slowly, just until the butter is completely melted, but should not boil or burn. Remove from heat. Shea butter will soothe swollen areas with psoriasis with Moisturizers.

2- Add two tablespoons of apricot kernel oil, two tablespoons of evening primrose oil, two teaspoons of jojoba oil, and ½ teaspoon of vitamin E oil. Stir it to mix. This is the basis of your psoriasis cream.

3- Add 10 drops of essential oil and stir to mix. The mixture thickens a bit and will begin to form a cream for psoriasis. Essential oils can penetrate the skin, and have healing properties for areas affected by psoriasis

4- Transfer the mixture to a glass jar. Label content and date. The psoriasis cream should be kept for up to two months if placed in a cool, dry place. Discard after this time, if not used.

5- Apply the cream for psoriasis directly to the affected areas. Repeat this treatment several times a day for best results. Continued use will produce visible results, but may take days or weeks, depending on the severity of your condition.

Tips & Warnings!

Lavender, tea tree, sandalwood, or geranium essential oils may be substitutes for psoriasis cream.
You will find many of the oils you need at natural health stores.
This cream for psoriasis will not be a traditional "cream" as you know it, but it thickens a bit when shea butter begins to cool.

To learn how I could eliminate my psoriasis, I recommend you read my honest opinion of Psoriasis Revolution.

I also advise you to read my history with the disease, and know my experience!
psoriasis cream, psoriasis cream for face, psoriasis cream for scalp.

psoriasis cream treatment.


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